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About Us

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Founded at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are a group of dedicated EV owners who turned our passion for electric vehicles into a business built to serve the electric vehicle community. 


Meet Kevin Karaffa

Kevin Karaffa is the founder of Austin EV Only. His interest in auto repair was born out of necessity beginning with his first fixer-upper vehicle purchased in high school. Kevin has rebuilt 14 vehicles over 24 years with Domestic, European, and Japanese brands. He is also an electrical engineer who, in 2005, consulted for PG&E to maximize energy efficiency in industrial applications. Notably, he analyzed electric-powered forklifts as a viable alternative to those that used internal combustion engines.  Kevin credits Thomas Friedman's book, Hot, Flat, and Crowded for focusing his interest on cleantech. Kevin also spent time with SolarCity (now Tesla Energy) promoting their residential solar panels. While EVs have been around for over a decade, Kevin's purchase of a Tesla Model S in 2016 solidified his commitment to the EV revolution. Kevin holds an Electrical Engineering degree from Cal Poly, SLO, and an MBA from Georgetown University. 

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